we didn't even get any prank calls. i answered the phone from the stockroom at one point and was so glad that i did. on the other end was a man. he told me "for valentine's day, the wife and i are going all out. we're going to switch roles where she's the husband and i'm the wife. i'm calling to see if you'd be willing to help me out with this. i've got a $200 limit and everything needs to be a surprise. i was wondering if you would pick out some lingerie for me to wear, something she--as my husband--would like to see me in. i'm about 6' 200 lbs. do you have a size that would work for me?" i confirm and he continues..."i also want for you to pick out some toys and things for her to use on me. whatever you like, we're both VERY open-minded. neither of us will see what you've picked for us until sunday so it'll be a complete surprise. i want you to put everything in a bag so i can't see, then just tell me how much it all costs and i'll pay you. i hope this is alright to ask. can help me with this?" i respond, "not a problem. i think it sounds fun. when are you coming in?" he tells me he's got some errands to run and asks my name. "sara." then i hang up. STOKED.
after i finished what i was doing in the back, i made my way to the sales floor and started looking around. i already knew what outfit he'd be wearing, just hoped we had the right size. we did. it was perfect. a red, lace, open-bust, crotchless teddy. and thigh highs to match. so trashy and so good. on to the toy department....
if my experience has taught me one thing, it's that when a man comes into the store and says he's "open-minded" it means he doesn't mind something going in his ass. with that in mind, here's what i picked out:


nipple clamps

cock ring

studded spade

ball gag

and, of course, some lube. when i showed my co-worker the loot she said "god, what is with you wanting this guy to be dominated right now?"
i laughed and told her, "i don't know but i really love the idea of making him into a total bitch."
the only thing left to do now was wait and see if he would actually show up. (people call all the time and ask for things that they never come to buy)...i had a good feeling about this one, though. mostly because he was so specific. i wanted to know what he looked like. who was he?
a few hours later, a man walked in the door and i had a feeling he was my guy. he came up to me and asked if i was sara. nice job, intuition. dude couldn't have looked more "normal." he looked like someone you'd see on a golf course. late 40s/early 50s, gray hair parted on the side, nice teeth, pullover jacket, khakis...you know the type. he said to me, "so how much time will you need?" when i told him i already picked everything out, he smiled. then he added, "this is really exciting for both of us...we're switching roles and neither of us will know what we'll be doing until sunday. and you're this third person who's making all of this happen who we don't know so that adds to the excitement. i'll be back in 15 minutes so you can make sure you've got everything together. and remember, $200. thanks again." then he left.
returned 15 minutes later, paid the $196, smiled, and thanked me. i wonder if he'll call or come back to tell me how it went.
i never even got his name.
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