the background on the first guy who came in is as follows:
about two and a half months ago, a guy came into the store and lurked the shoes for a little while. he looked like an average dude: about 6 foot, short hair, glasses, polo, good teeth. i walked up to him and asked him if he needed help and at first he said no...i made small talk with him and apparently i made him feel pretty comfortable because soon after, he let me know what was up. he was going to a party with his wife that a bunch of their friends were throwing. it was a costume party (with a twist). everyone going drew names of famous people from the past that they were supposed to dress up as...but he and his wife got the wild card which meant not only did they have to dress up but they had to reverse roles so he was the female and she was the male. he had come in to buy shoes and hoped we had his size. we did. he bought some black, patent leather pumps. while i was ringing him up, he shared with me his anxiety about how it would go over. he had never worn women's shoes before and felt embarrassed to even ask. i told him nothing phased me and if his wife seemed cool with the idea, she probably wouldn't have an issue with it once it came time for him to get dressed up...and who knows, she might be into it. he still seemed pretty nervous about the whole thing when he left but i had a good feeling. which turned out to be correct. the next time i saw him, he told me i was right and that not only did the costume go over well at the party, but wifey was into it at home. and he didn't mind the heels all that much. in fact, he'd like to buy more. i hoooked him up with a different pair of heels and since then i've seen him on a pretty regular basis...each time, he tries on and/or buys a new pair of shoes. i saw him just after valentine's day and he started asking about lingerie. would we have anything that might fit him, do i think it's weird, do i get many men shopping for themselves, etc. i told him part of the story about the man who called on v-day weekend and gave me the spending limit...i didn't tell him exactly what i picked out but gave him just enough to make him feel comfortable talking about it. since he was just entertaining his curiosity, i sold him a pair of fishnet thigh highs. white. told him they'd make his legs look great and would look good with the shoes he already had. **which, by the way, he wears while vacuuming**
when he came in on monday, i learned that he stopped in friday morning but when i wasn't there decided to leave...."i didn't feel like i could be as open with the other girl in here. something about you, i can just talk to you about all of this and i don't feel like i'm offending you or you have any problem with it" is what he said to me. even if what he's into might seem weird to most people, it makes me feel good to know that i make him feel comfortable enough to be honest so that was pretty rad anyway. it gets better. he wanted to try on some boots but since there was another person in the store, i let him use the fitting room for privacy. they didn't fit and no he didn't cum all over the walls. instead, he brought the box back up to me, boots packed neatly inside and waited for the other guy to leave. i told him it was good to see him and asked how all of the dressing up was going at home. then he hit me with this, "it's so much fun. you were right. we both really like it. i think she might like it more than me. i wanted to show you something, though." just then, he unzipped his jacket and revealed a black satin corset with lace trim. dude had a huge shit-eating grin across his face. i was stoked. i said, "oh hey you did it! does it feel? you into it?" he said, "i really like it. i know last time i was in here i said i wasn't sure if i'd ever be willing to go out in public like this but i figured you'd get a kick out of it." when i asked him how the fishnets worked out he said, "oh hey, look at this," pulled up his pant leg, and showed me that he was wearing those, too! he left without buying anything but said he'd be back. and i know he will.
a couple hours later, i was doing something in the front window and saw a short, skinny guy walking up to the door. he looked familiar and when i saw his face i remembered. he came in once before with a shopping list and a letter from his mistress. she had instructions for me to pick some things out for her to use on him, her slave. that day was fun. i made him put on heels and walk around the store while i picked out some various items. an open-mouth gag, 10-inch dildo, whip, and i made him buy the shoes. anyway, this was the same guy and when he walked in i asked him, "how did all of that work out?" he looked confused at first and asked what i was talking about. i said, "your mistress...the shoes. how's that going?" he said, "i'm surprised you remember me. she moved on, though. she wanted something else." i definitely make the mistake of seeming more interested than i actually am in other people's lives...that combined with the fact that i'm super nice to almost everyone i meet is probably why i have such good stories. i'm amazed by some of the things people just open up to me about that i hardly know...and i don't mean just at the porn shop. but that could be an entire blog of its own. so back to the pipsqueak. he walked around for a couple minutes and then came up to me at the counter:
(imagine a scrawny, softspoken, mid-20s guy shaking like a leaf)
ps: what should i call you
me: miss
ps: miss, would you ever want to have someone of your own?
me: what do you mean?
ps: would you like me to be your slave?
me: i'd have to think about that
ps: i will do whatever you want. you know like those things you picked out for me last time? i don't want you to sleep with me. i would just want you to use those things on me and make me do whatever you feel like. you could make me walk around in public dressed however you want.
me: i don't know about that. it seems like it would be fun to boss someone around and humiliate them but i'm not sure i want to get into all that.
ps: i'm sorry for speaking, miss.
i just nodded and let him keep looking around the store. after a few minute he brought up a pair of shorts and asked me, "miss, do you think i should buy something like these?" i looked up at him and decided to have fun with all of it....i walked over to the wall and picked up a skirt with an open back and said "you need to wear something more like this." i held it out and told him to take it from me. he walked up, head down, "yes, miss." then i said to him, "now you're going to buy this and it's time for you to leave." when i rang him up he asked me for my name. i told him that wasn't for him to know.
so that was monday. today was wednesday. i never work nights but sometimes i wish i did. a few reasons why:
a lady looking like beetlejuice came in to get a dildo for her strap-on that her girlfriend's husband bought them for valentine's day.

later, another woman told me about how she and her friend are the two biggest freaks she knows and one time her friend got a butt plug with a suction cup, stuck it in her bathtub, got on it and when she tried to stand up couldn't.
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